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7 Joyous Easter Traditions To Embrace With Your Family

Easter traditions keep families together and create memories worth a lifetime!

Easter Sunday is a significant holiday, especially for Catholics and Christians. Many Easter traditions have stood the test of time and continue to offer families meaningful ways to celebrate.

Include some of these fun Easter Traditions when hosting an Easter celebration with your family, friends, or colleagues and spend some quality time with each other, this year. Remember that the greatest memories are made up of the events and traditions that we share with our closest people and the Los Angeles Videographers can help you record them for years and years to come.

Families who share unique and treasured moments together have a deeper connection among themselves!

Here is a list of some meaningful Easter traditions that have brought families together for centuries!

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#1 Easter Egg Painting

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Painting easter eggs is a fun time-honored Easter tradition passed down to us from our predecessors. From kids to adults, everyone enjoys dipping eggs in brightly colored dye and decorating them in unique and creative ways. You can also use other fun and modern ways like watercolors, glitter, stickers, etc. to put a fun twist on this tradition. Painted Easter eggs can be used to decorate your home, venue, or even Easter baskets.

#2 Sending Easter Lilies

Easter Lilies are a symbol of purity and hope, and they’re extremely significant in many cultures around the world. The flowers are thought to have grown where Christ’s blood and tears dripped during his crucifixion, as well as in the Garden of Gethsemane following his betrayal. Sharing Easter lilies during this holiday is another symbolic tradition that is steeped in meaning.

#3 Easter Egg Hunt

Conducting an Easter egg hunt is another universal Easter tradition that still holds a significant part in Easter celebrations. This has reportedly been a classic Easter custom since the 16th century. The egg itself came to represent the Resurrection. Similar to Jesus rising from the dead, the egg represents emerging new life. Nowadays, Easter egg hunts are like fun scavenger hunts for kids, where they are encouraged to go out in the spring weather and make use of their physical and cognitive skills. 

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#4 Easter cakes & Hot Cross Buns

Baking an Easter cake is a tradition that is followed in almost all households. You can either have a carrot flavored cake to honor the Easter bunny or make a bunny shaped cake that’s decorated with frosting and candies. Put on an apron and get your little ones to help you bake cookies in the shapes of bunnies, chicken or eggs to commemorate the holiday. You can also go traditional and bake hot cross buns on Good Friday which is a classic Easter treat that has been made and enjoyed for decades.

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#5 Easter Service 

Easter wouldn’t be complete for many families if they didn’t attend a religious service at church. After all, it is the reason for the season. It is customary for some churches to perform an early daybreak service, while others have an Easter vigil on Saturday night. These masses symbolize Mary visiting Jesus’ empty tomb at dawn following his resurrection.

#6 Wear your best attire

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Another long standing Easter tradition is to wear your best attire and look sharp on Easter Sunday, especially when going to church. It is also an early custom to wear an Easter bonnet and gloves for the service. 

#7 Assemble around the table

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Our ancestors knew the value of gathering around the table, whether they hosted a simple brunch party or a customary Easter feast. Many families still continue to host a large Easter brunch or dinner. Families get together and share food, jokes, and exciting stories. Inviting your extended families too helps different generations connect together and keeps your relationships strong and harmonious.

The Los Angeles Videographers

The Los Angeles Videographers are a team of professional cameramen that will help you take amazing photographs and cinematic videos of your most significant holidays. We fulfill our clients’ requests of filming and capturing to fit their preferences. Our skilled professionals are well-versed in shooting a wide range of family gatherings and know just how to provide high-end products that you and your family will remember for a lifetime. We are also known for our friendliness and flexibility, all at very reasonable prices.
Visit our website to get your custom quote for your Family’s Easter Reunion!

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